This PSP unbricker Pandora battery is an 1800mAh and 3.6V battery. We has now officially confirmed that this battery is a PSP 1000 version which can be used on both PSP 1000 (fat/phat) and PSP 2000 (slim) versions. The Pandora battery will unbrick any PSP fast, fat or slim.The Pandora battery along with a magic memory stick can also downgrade your PSP to virtually any firmware version you like, no matter what version (fat or slim).Simply remove your normal PSP battery and replace it with the Pandora! It takes just 4 steps, and then you can enjoy the full function of your PSP. Find more wholesale accessories for psp at:
Stock news (5/13/08): this item is in stock. All still pending orders are going to be shipped today. Future stock is expected to come regularly. If you need this item urgently, order it alone to prevent delays caused by other products.
Factory pre-modified as Pandora battery
When plugged into an PSP, enables developer/recovery mode in PSP
Allows recovering from bad ROM flashes and other bricks
Packing Include:
1 x PSP Unbricker Pandora Battery